love story 歌词(TaylorSwift《Lovestory》这首歌的中文歌

生活知识 2022-12-23 16:20www.1681989.cn生活常识

  We ere both young hen I first sa you

  I closed my eyes and the flashback starts

  I'm standing there

  On a balcony in summer air

  See the lights, see the party, the ball gons

  I see you make your ay through the crod

  And say hello

  Little did I kno

  That you ere Romeo, you ere throing pebbles

  And my daddy said, "stay aay from Juliet"

  And I as crying on the staircase

  Begging you, please don't go

  And I said

  Romeo, take me somehere e can be alone

  I'll be aiting, all there's left to do is run

  You'll be the prince and I'll be the princess

  It's a love story

  Baby, just say yes

  So, I sneak out to the garden to see you

  We keep quiet cause e're dead if they kne

  So close your eyes

  Escape this ton for a little hile

  Oh oh

  Cause you ere Romeo, I as the scarlet letter

  And my daddy said, "stay aay from Juliet"

  But you ere my everything to me

  I as begging you, please don't go

  And I said

  Romeo, take me somehere e can be alone

  I'll be aiting, all there's left to do is run

  You'll be the prince and I'll be the princess

  It's a love story

  Baby, just say yes

  Romeo, save me

  They try to tell me ho I feel

  This love is difficult, but it's real

  Don't be afraid, e'll make it out of this mess

  It's a love story

  Baby, just say yes

  Oh oh

  I got tired of aiting

  Wondering if you ere ever ing around

  My faith in you is fading

  When I met you on the outskirts of ton

  And I said

  Romeo, save me

  I've been feeling so alone

  I keep aiting for you, but you never e

  Is this in my head

  I don't kno hat to think

  He knelt to the ground and pulled out a ring

  And said

  Marry me, Juliet, you'll never have to be alone

  I love you and that's all I really kno

  I talked to your dad

  Go pick out a hite dress

  It's a love story

  Baby, just say yes

  Oh oh oh

  Oh oh oh oh

  'Cause e ere both young hen I first sa you


  泰勒. 史威夫特

  我第一次见你时 我们都还年轻

  我闭上了双眼 昔日的场景展开

  我站在包厢上 在夏日的气氛之中

  看著灯光 看著舞会 看著舞会的礼服


  轻声道安 我仅知道的



  我的爸爸说 : 离茱丽叶远一点




  罗密欧 带我到只有我俩的地方吧!

  我会等著 至此 只有逃 这个方法

  你是个王子 我是个公主

  这是个爱的故事 宝贝 是吧!


  我们保持安静 因为被人发现了 我们必死无疑

  所以 闭上眼睛 让我们逃离这个小镇一下

  Oh, oh, oh...

  因为你是罗密欧 我是个罪犯

  (scarlet letter 是犯通奸罪者 )

  我的爸爸说 : 离茱丽叶远一点




  罗密欧 带我到只有我俩的地方吧!

  我会等著 至此 只有逃 这个方法

  你是个王子 我是个公主

  这是个爱的故事 宝贝 是吧!

  罗密欧, 救我 他们一直试著叫我明白

  这份爱是如何的困难 但 这是真的

  不要害怕 我们会超越这一切的混乱

  这是个爱的故事 宝贝 是吧!

  我不要再等 想著是否你会来




  罗密欧 救我 我觉得好孤单

  我一直等著你 但你都没有来

  如果这是我深植脑中的 我不知道该如何去想

  他跪在地上 拿出一枚戒指


  嫁给我吧, 茱丽叶, 你就不会孤单了

  我爱你 而且我真的明了

  我和你的父亲谈过了 你将会披上白纱

  这是个爱的故事 宝贝 是吧!

  Oh, oh, oh...

  我第一次见你时 我们都还年轻

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